EP15 - Thy Mercy, My God

A little more obscure hymn than we usually do here at The Bright Forever... This is a hymn I had never heard of until a "retuning" of this song was first recorded by Caedmon's Call in 2001. It is actually just a little older than our country here in the United States. First published in March 1776 in The Gospel Magazine in England and attributed to John Stocker.
Today, my dad, Steve Peavyhouse joins me to discuss the amazing lyrical wordplay of this song as we dive into the depths of God's mercy for us. Below you find a link to both the song from Indelible Grace Music and the article by the artist herself, Sandra McCracken, that I talk about during this episode. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed recording it.
"Thy Mercy, My God" performed by Sandra McCracken from Indelible Grace Music
All songs used by permission.