Ever thought of the hymn 'Come Thou, Fount of Every Blessing' as a Christmas hymn? Well, it's time you join us on a unique exploration of this powerful hymn, as we uncover its significance in the Advent season. In our third installment of The Bright Forever's Special Series, Hymns of Advent, we will be highlighting how this hymn resonates with themes of joy and gratitude in salvation. And discuss the profound meaning behind how it beautifully aligns with the spirit of joy that is so central to our salvation.
As we travel through this Advent season, we are reflecting on four fundamental elements: expectant waiting, repentance and reflection, scripture reading, and the use of symbols. Guiding us through our journey this week is the them of joy which is another cornerstone of our relationship with God. We explore Scriptures from Isaiah, Zephaniah, and Luke that encapsulate the anticipation of joy rooted in salvation and how God rejoices over us. Throughout this series, we continue to look for ways we can incorporate these themes into our daily lives, making this celebration a collective effort of my family and yours. So, brace yourselves for an enlightening expedition of faith, gratitude, and the anticipation of great joy.
"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" (Christmas Version) performed by Nathan Drake at ReawakenHymns.com
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All songs used by permission.