As my father, Steve Peavyhouse, joins me once again in a heartfelt journey through the stanzas of "Blessed Assurance," we unravel the story of Fanny J. Crosby's timeless hymn that has fortified believers' faith for generations. Together, we trace the lineage of this sacred song from its inception, when a simple melody from Phoebe Knapp stirred Crosby's soul, to its role as a beacon of hope throughout history. Our conversation not only celebrates the spiritual depth found within Crosby's lyrics but also the emotional resonance that transcends the mere notes on a page, offering solace during life's unpredictable twists and turns.

Imagine finding strength and clarity not despite your challenges, but because of them. This episode delves into the profound truth that sometimes our greatest insights into God's grace come through what we perceive as weaknesses. Inspired by Crosby's own journey, we contemplate the conundrum of physical blindness opening the eyes of the soul. Our musings extend to personal battles, like grappling with a stutter, and how these hurdles can unveil the sufficiency of God's grace in our lives.

In a world that often looks for "saviors" in the wrong places, this episode is a testament to the joy and worth we find when the cross of Christ looms large in our lives—giving us an assurance that withstands all of life's storms and speaks to the very core of our being. Join us for a journey of faith, identity, and the unshakeable assurance we have in the love that was secured for us on the cross.


"Blessed Assurance" performed by Nathan Drake of Reawaken Hymns with chord charts and many other church music resources. (

"Blessed Assurance" appears on the album Hymns of the Son available here ( .

The book I talk about on the podcast that explains the idea of the how the cross should "loom large" in our lives is found in Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower ( .
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All songs used by permission.